Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 3 - Meeting with the government representatives of Ogun State

Today was our first business day of work and we have our first meeting with the government representatives of Ogun State. Like I mentioned on a earlier post we are going to work with four dependencies: Water Corporation, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology and Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Social Development.

 We had our first face to face meeting with our clients. It was a short but good discussion of the scope of work. Then our sub-group (Susan, Sergio and I) had a meeting after dinner, and we were able to point out the topics we think would be a good start point for our first day tomorrow at our client's office.


After work we made a trip to the supermarket to buy some water 

#ibmcsc nigeria #aleinafrica


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Sounds like you Guys are getting everything ready to begin! I bet the supermarket is different than what your use to! : ) Praying, Miss and love you! Papai Tommy
