Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 1 - Safe and sound in Lagos! Tomorrow heading to Abeokuta...

Last night I was able to meet 3 of team members in Houston while we were waiting to get on the plane to Nigeria. It was a 12 hour flight but one of the calmest flights I ever had, no turbulence at all and amazing crew in the plane. The exciting part started once we landed in Lagos, and passed through customs, which that was the easy part they really only checked the passport page and stamped with the date you need to return, then we went to the baggage claim that was maybe not even 15 feet from the custom's desk. There is only one baggage claim for all the flights, so it took some time for us to manage getting all our checked bags. Then we went through the second customs (again not even 25 feet away from the baggage claim)  and that was not the most exciting part but we managed to pass through and found the driver with the CSC Nigeria 7 sign waiting for us outside! I will have to share more of the details of this 40 feet experience through the airport and steps until we got in the shuffle to the hotel in person at a later time, but I have to say that the Nigerian people have a heart to help and are very friendly.

The whole group got here on time and safe. I checked in at the hotel at 6pm (1pm est), and had an hour to get ready for our first meeting and then dinner with the whole group at the hotel. Tomorrow we have the meeting with the security team and then we will head to Abeokuta, it's about a two hour drive. It's 10:30pm so it's time to rest and get ready for tomorrow.

Thank you all that is reading and following the posts in my blog :)

Have a great night!