Thursday, July 24, 2014

Last week - Days 22, 23, 24, 25

We worked long hours on the weekend to be able to finalize the presentation to the Ogun State Water Corporation on Monday. On Monday we have the last presentation with the General Manager and the Assistants and Directors of the Ogun Water Corporation. It was a long session delivering the outcomes generated during this 3 weeks of work.

During this time, we gathered all the process documentation for each department, analyzed the current documentation, interviewed staff from each department, researched successful best practices, successes and solutions world-wide and finally we generated several recommendations for the water corporation.

There was a lot of discussion when we delivered the recommendations for every department but they were all well received and the management will support the implementation of these recommendations.

The Ogun State Water Corporation vision is to become the best water service provider in Africa so we hope with our 100 more recommendations they are able to achieve this vision and provide a better quality of water and service to the community.


#ibmcsc nigeria

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