Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week 3 Days 19, 20, 21

Third week in Nigeria, and we still had a lot to accomplish on our final recommendations to the Water Corporation but we see daily reminders of why we were chosen to be part of this amazing experience. Not just being our last week before we had to present our final presentation but we also managed to meet the Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun for a special ceremony, and along that provide a full day training on Thursday on basic and advanced excel to the Water Corporation employees. What a week!! So the next thing we knew we were setting up a training session and still had to prepare and review the material. We weren’t really sure how the training was going but considering that the room was just as full at the end of the day as it was at the beginning, we counted the training session a success, and a extra achievement for us!


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